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"Mechanism of shear-enhanced rotating-disk microfiltration for separation of microbe/protein bio-suspension"
Separation and Purification Technology
Jun, 2025
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"Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of Cruise Development"
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Nov, 2024
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"The Resilience Challenge of Traffic Control Centers under the Impact of the Pandemic"
FEIAP 7th Convention
May, 2024
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"Prevalence and Characteristics in Long COVID among Adults with Asthma in the United States"
Journal of Asthma
Jan, 2024
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Proceeding of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec, 2023
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"Decision Self-Efficacy and Decisional Conflict on Reintubation among Surrogates of Ventilated Patients Undergoing Planned Extubation."
Asian Nursing Research
Dec, 2023
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"Vibration behaviours of multi-debonded sandwich beams with symmetric angle-ply facesheets"
Journal of Composite Materials
Nov, 2023
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"Enriching the intersection of care ethics and alternative agri-food networks in rural-urban Taiwan"
Gender, Place & Culture
Apr, 2023
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"Dynamic interaction of injected liquid jet with skin layer interfaces revealed by microsecond imaging of optically cleared ex vivo skin tissue model"
Journal of Biological Engineering
Feb, 2023
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"The Relationship between Dietary Calcium and Age Related Macular Degeneration"
Jan, 2023
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"Wearable and Washable MnO2-Zn Textile Battery Packaged by Vacuum Sealing"
Jan, 2023
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"An easily misdiagnosed and rare cause of traumatic back pain: bilateral renal infarction caused by traumatic bilateral renal artery dissection"
World Journal of Emergency Medicine
Jan, 2023
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"Justifiable Narratives: The Rise and Fall of Family Politicians in South Korea"
Asian Journal of Comparative Politics
Dec, 2022
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"Pulmonary Function in Post-Infectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
Dec, 2022
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"Mechanism of the amelioration of ovalbumin gel properties by EGCG: Physicochemical properties, protein structure, and in silico simulation"
Food Chemistry
Nov, 2022
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"Heat Flow and Thermal Stress Analysis to Enhance the Temperature Distribution and Service Life of Stone Grill Plates in Barbecue Ovens"
Nov, 2022
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"Automatic analysis of caregiver input and child production: Insight into corpus-based research on child language development in Korean"
Korean Linguistics
Oct, 2022
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"Micro-buckled mechano-electrochemical harvesting fiber for self-powered strain sensors and energy harvesters"
Nano Letters
Oct, 2022
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"PdO-Nanoparticle-Embedded Carbon Nanotube Yarns for Wearable Hydrogen Gas Sensing Platforms with Fast and Sensitive Responses"
ACS Sensors
Oct, 2022
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"Impact of national lockdown on the suspected SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in terms of the number of fever cases in North Korea"
Journal of travel medicine
Aug, 2022
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"Processing technology, principle, and nutritional characteristics of preserved eggs: A review"
Trends in Food Science & Technology
Oct, 2022
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"a review of BIPV in Singapore"
Aug, 2022
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"Periodontal disease could be a potential risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: An 11-year retrospective follow-up study"
Clinical oral investigation
Aug, 2022
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"Effect of Various Conditions on Compressive Strength Development of Mortar Using Highly Activated Sewage Sludge Burned Ash"
Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan
July, 2022
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"Sonographic features differentiating early-stage ovarian clear cell carcinoma from endometrioma with atypical features"
Journal of Ovarian Research
Jul, 2022
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"Development and validation of a XXXXX"
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
Jul, 2022
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Jun, 2022
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"ADHD Identification and its Interpretation of Functional Connectivity using Deep Self-Attention Factorisation (Accepted)"
Knowledge-based Systems
May, 2022
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"Biomimetic Self-Powered Artificial Muscle Using Tri-Functional Yarns that Combine Generator, Supercapacitor, and Actuator Functions"
Sensors and actuators B:chemical
April, 2022
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"Transmission Dynamics of the Delta Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in South Korea"
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
April, 2022
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"The Relationship between Compassion Experienced by Social Workers and Job Performance: The Double Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological"
The Open Psychology Journal
April, 2022
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"High-Power Hydro-Actuators Fabricated from Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Coiled Yarns with Fast Electrothermal Recovery"
Mar, 2022
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"Torsional and tensile strain mismatch based self-helical actuator with large stroke in low temperature"
nature communications
Mar, 2022
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"Hierarchical Coil-Ply Fibers for Two Extreme Applications: Super-Stretchy Sensors and Supercapacitors"
advanced functional materials
Mar, 2022
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"Stretchy-electrochemical harvesters for binarized self-powered strain gage based static motion sensors"
Nano Energy
Mar, 2022
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"Estimation of Serial Interval and Reproduction Number to Quantify the Transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant in South Korea"
Mar, 2022
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"Evaluation of GC-MS for benzyl chloride content in processed food, meats, marine products distributed in korea "
Food science and biotechnology
Feb, 2022
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"Korean-speaking children’s constructional knowledge about a transitive event: Corpus analysis and Bayesian modelling"
Journal of Child Language
Jan, 2022
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"Synthesis and luminescence studies of Dy3+ doped Li3Sc(BO3)2 polycrystalline powder for warm white light"
Ceramics International
Jan, 2022
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"Artificial Intelligence in Bladder Cancer: Current Trends & Future Possibilities"
Chinese Medical Journal
Dec, 2021
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"Impact of fetal-type posterior cerebral artery on recanalization of posterior communicating artery aneurysms after coil embolization: matched-pair case–control study"
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
Nov, 2021
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"Biomimetic Self-Powered Artificial Muscle Uusing Tri-Ffunctional Yarns combined that Combine Generator, Supercapacitor, and Actuator Functions "
Advanced Materials
Oct, 2021
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"Comparison of Postoperative Complications between Simultaneous and Staged Surgery in Cranioplasty and Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement after Decompressive Craniectomy"
Korean Journal of Neurotrauma
Oct, 2021
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"Ethanol-Induced Hepato-toxicity and Alcohol Metabolism Regulation by GABA-Enriched Fermented Smilax China Root Extract in Rats."
Sep, 2021
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"Impact of gelation in nickel-rich ternary lithium-ion batteries"
Sep, 2021
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"Approach for improving YOLOv5 network with application to remote sensing target detection"
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Sep, 2021
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"Successful management of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor-induced Sweet syndrome in a patient with ulcerative colitis"
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Jul, 2021
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"Relationship between uric acid and lipid accumulation product index by gender in Korean adults: The 2016 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey"
Primary Care Diabetes
Jun, 2021
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"Comparison of the Convergence Rates of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Based on SVM-regression for Predicting the Severity of Parkinson's Disease Dementia"
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
May, 2021
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"Severity of Diabetic Macular Edema Correlates with Retinal Vascular Bed Area on Ultra-wide Field Fluorescein Angiography: Dave Study"
April, 2021
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"Changes of antibiotic prescribing pattern and its resistance to E. Coli in South Korea: a 12-year retrospective observational study"
Scientific Reports
Mar, 2021
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"The Effect of Locally-administered Fibrinolytic Drugs Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Meta-analysis with eight Randomized Controlled Studies"
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
Mar, 2021
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"Deploying Resilience Enablers to Mitigate Risks in Sustainable Fashion Supply Chains"
March, 2021
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"Electrochemical performance and thermal stability of lithium ion batteries after immersion"
Corrosion Science
Mar, 2021
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"Automatic analysis of learner corpora in Korean: Written production of Korean passive constructions for Mandarin-speaking learners of Korean"
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research
Mar, 2021
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"Free-standing manganese oxide on flexible graphene films as advanced electrodes for stable, high energy-density solid-state zinc-ion batteries"
Chemical Engineering Journal
Feb, 2021
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"Spatiotemporal Evolution of Multiscale Urbanization Level in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Using the Integration of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS Night Light Datasets"
Feb, 2021
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"Broadband Microwave Absorption Properties of a Frequency-Selective Surface Embedded in a Patterned Honeycomb Absorber"
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Jan, 2021
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"Extremely flexible and mechanically durable planar supercapacitors"
Nano Energy
Dec, 2020
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"Study on Improving Damping Capacity of Pure Magnesium by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment"
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Dec, 2020
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"Negative Impedance Capacitive Electrode for ECG Sensing Through Fabric Layer"
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Dec, 2020
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"Event Tracking Control for Fuzzy System"
Nov, 2020
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"Wearable colorimetric sensing fiber based on polyacrylonitrile with PdO@ZnO hybrids for the application of detecting H2 leakage"
Textile research journal
Oct, 2020
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"Self-Quarantine Noncompliance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea"
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
Oct, 2020
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"Ultrafast long-life Zinc-ion hybrid supercapacitors constructed from the mesoporous structured activated carbon"
Applied Surface Science
Oct, 2020
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"δ-phase precipitation regularity of cold rolled fine-grained GH4169 alloy plate and its effect on mechanical properties"
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Oct, 2020
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"Shape morphing smart 3D actuator materials for micro soft robot"
Materials Today
Sep, 2020
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"Effect of Heterocystous Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria against Rice Sheath Blight and the Underlying Mechanism"
Applied Soil Ecology
Sep, 2020
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"Co-existing TiO2 nanoparticles influencing adsorption/desorption of tetracycline on magnetically modified kaolin"
Sep, 2020
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"Synergistic Effects of Phosphorus and Boron Co-Incorporated Activated Carbon for Ultrafast Zinc-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - ACS Publications
Aug, 2020
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"Arachnoid Plasty to Prevent and Reduce Chronic Subdural Hematoma after Clipping Surgery for Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm : A Meta-Analysis"
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
Jul, 2020
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"Managing language issues in second language storytelling"
Jul, 2020
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"Effects of Ge on Microstructure, Spreadability, and Mechanical Properties of the Sn-32Pb-18Cd Solder Alloy"
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Jul, 2020
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"Improved two-step constrained total least-squares TDOA localization algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers"
Sensors Journal
Jul, 2020
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"Experimental Study on the Retention and Interception Effect of an Extensive Green Roof (GR) with a Substrate Layer Modified with Kaolin"
Jul, 2020
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"Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of ethanolic propolis extract on C6 glioma cells"
Environ Toxicol
Jul, 2020
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"The Delay in Confirming COVID-19 Cases Linked to a Religious Group in Korea"
J Prev Med Public Health
Jun, 2020
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"Design strategies for development of nickel-rich ternary lithium-ion battery"
Jun, 2020
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"Performance Evaluation of Different Commercial Serological Kits for diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis E Viral Infection"
Polish Journal of microbiology
Jun, 2020
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"Incubation period of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Busan, South Korea"
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
Jun, 2020
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"Fatty acid composition and characterisation of commercial vegetable oils with chemometric approach"
International Food Research Journal
Apr, 2020
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"Development and application of a novel engineering-based maker education course for pre-service teachers"
Education Sciences
Apr, 2020
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"Variables Adjustable Multiple-Dependent-State Sampling Plans with a Loss-based Capability Index"
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Mar, 2020
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"Optimization-based Calibration Process for Position-Sensitive Detector Systems"
IEEE Photonics Technology letter
Mar, 2020
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"Sensible design of open-porous spherical architectures for hybrid supercapacitors with improved high-rate capability"
Current Applied Physics
Mar, 2020
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"Critical Depressed Brain Volume Influences the Recurrence of Chronic Subdural Hematoma after Surgical Evacuation"
Scientific Report
Feb, 2020
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"Geo-Social Top-k and Skyline Keyword Queries on Road Networks"
Feb, 2020
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"δ34S and δ18O of sulfates and Zn/Cd ratios reveal the cause of soil and groundwater contamination in metalliferous mining areas"
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Feb, 2020
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"Evaluation of filamentous heterocystous cyanobacteria for integrated pig-farm biogas slurry treatment and bioenergy production"
Bioresource Technology
Feb, 2020
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"Turnover Intention among Field Epidemiologists in South Korea"
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Feb, 2020
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"Anelastic and Microplastic Damping of an Mg–Zn–Y–Al Alloy"
Metals and Materials International
Jan, 2020
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"Adsorptive removal of nitrogenous compounds from microalgae-derived bio-oil using metal–organic frameworks with an amino group"
Chemical Engineering J.
Jan, 2020
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"The impact of extreme heat stress on pedestrian behavior"
Plos One
Jan, 2020
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"Flexible high-efficiency CZTSSe solar cells on diverse flexible substrates via an adhesive-bonding transfer method"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Jan, 2020
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"Determination of Aneurysm Volume Critical for Stability After Coil Embolization: A Retrospective Study of 3530 Aneurysms"
World Neurosurgery
Dec, 2019
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"Association between periodontitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a Korean adult population:A nationwide cross-sectional study"
Journal of Periodontology
Dec, 2019
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"Age is not a barrier to good outcomes following ambulatory high ligation and stripping for varicose veins A prospective cohort study"
Nov, 2019
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"Effect of Functional Groups of Metal-organic Frameworks, Coated on Cotton, on Removal of Particulate Matters via Selective Interactions (revised, after first rejection of J. Mater. Chem. A, based on Editor's comments)"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Nov, 2019
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"Experimental and empirical investigation of mass transfer enhancement in multi-scale modified airlift reactors"
Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design
Oct, 2019
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"Changes in the expression levels of CB1 and GLP-1R mRNAs and microRNAs 33a and 122 in the liver of type 2 diabetic rats treated with ghrelin"
J Biochem Mol Toxicol
Oct, 2019
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"The influence of informal learning and learning transfer on nurses' clinical performance: A descriptive cross-sectional study"
Nurse Education Today
Sep, 2019
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"Direct radiofluorination of heat-sensitive antibody by Al-18F complexation"
New Journal of Chemistry
Sep, 2019
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"p-Coumaric acid as an active ingredient in cosmetics: a review focusing on its antimelanogenic effects"
Antioxidants (MDPI)
Aug, 2019
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"Human Skin Lightening Efficacy of Resveratrol and Its Analogs: From in Vitro Studies to Cosmetic Applications"
Antioxidants (MDPI)
Aug, 2019
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"Development of dansyl based copper(II) complex to detect hydrogen sulfide in hypoxia"
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9OB00948E
Jul, 2019
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"Characteristics of direct transesterification using ultrasound on oil extracted from spent coffee grounds"
Environmental Engineering Research
Jul, 2019
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"Is there a genetic difference in dental trauma of monozygotic and dizygotic twin children?"
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Jul, 2019
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"Fermented oyster extract prevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss and suppresses osteoclastogenesis"
Jun, 2019
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"Averaging Pixel Current Adjustment Technique for Reducing Fixed Pattern Noise in the Bolometer-Type Uncooled Infrared Image Sensor"
MDPI Sensors
Apr, 2019
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"Evaluation of the Relationship Between Malocclusion and the Periodontal Health, Caries, Socio-economic Status of Children"
meandros medical and dental journal
Apr, 2019
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"Elevated Levels of High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein are Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in a Representative Korean Sample"
ARC Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine
Apr, 2019
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"BK channel openers NS1619 and NS11021 reverse hydrogen peroxide-induced membrane potential changes in skeletal muscle"
Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction
Apr, 2019
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"Bacteriocinogenic properties and safety evaluation of Enterococcus faecium YT52 isolated from boza, a traditional cereal based fermented beverage"
Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
Mar, 2019
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"Hepatitis A virus infection from a contaminated tap of ground water facility in a neighborhood park, Republic of Korea. "
Infect & Chemother
Mar, 2019
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"Development of Automatic Chicken Cutting Machine "
Journal of Biosystems Engineering
Dec, 2018
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"Development of Automatic Chicken Cutting Machine"
Journal of Biosystems Engineering
Dec, 2018
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"Analysis on Fertilizer Application Uniformity of Centrifugal Fertilizer Distributor"
Journal of Biosystems Engineering
Dec, 2018
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"Surveillance and public health response for travelers returning from MERS-CoV affected countries to Gyeonggi Province, Korea, 2016–2017"
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Nov, 2018
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"Redefining the morphometry of subclavian vessels for clavicle fracture treatments"
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Nov, 2018
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"Hydrophobicity and tribological properties of Al2O3/PTFE composite coating"
Rare Metals
Nov, 2018
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"Hydrophobicity and tribological properties of Al2O3/PTFE composite coating"
Rare Metals
Nov, 2018
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"Social gradients in oral health status in Korea population"
Archives of Oral Biology
Nov, 2018
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"Preliminary Results on the Feeding and Gut Content of Flaccisagitta enflata in Coastal Areas of Iskenderun Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean Sea)"
KSU J. Agric Nat
Oct, 2018
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" Serosurveillance of avian influenza (H5N6) virus infection in poutlry farmers, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, 2016-2017"
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Oct, 2018
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"Inhibiting focal adhesion kinase: A potential target for enhancing therapeutic efficacy in colorectal cancer therapy"
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology
Oct, 2018
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"Contribution and acclimatization of the swarming tropical copepod Dioithona oculata (Farran, 1913) in a Mediterranean coastal ecosystem"
Turkish journal of Zoology
Sep, 2018
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"N-doped Al2O3 thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition"
Thin Solid Films 660 (2018) 657–662
Aug, 2018
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"Serosurveillance of avian influenza A/H5N6 virus infection in poultry farmers, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, 2016–2017"
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Aug, 2018
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"Handgrip strength and the number of teeth among Korean population"
Journal of Periodontology
Jun, 2018
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"Nodular primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis in a 54-year-old man"
Department of Dermatology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
May, 2018
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"Psychological maltreatment, coping strategies, and mental health problems: a brief and effective measure of psychological maltreatment in adolescents"
Child abuse & neglect,
Apr, 2018
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"Development and Validation of the Youth Externalizing Behavior Screener: A Brief and Effective Measure of Behavioral Problems"
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
Apr, 2018
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"Temporal relationship between antibiotic use and respiratory virus activities in the Republic of Korea"
BMC antimicrobial resistance and chemotherapy
Apr, 2018
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"Association between the number of teeth and hypertension in a study based on 13,561 participants"
Journal of Periodontology
Apr, 2018
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"Case Report of a Tubo-ovarian Abscess Caused by Candida kefyr"
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada:
Apr, 2018
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"Hysterectomy by vaginal-assisted natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: Initial experience with twelve cases"
J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc
Mar, 2018
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"Methodology for automatic ontology generation using schema information"
Moblie Information System
Mar, 2018
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"Experimental Study on Existing Reinforced Concrete Frames Strengthened by L-type Precast Concrete Wall Panels to Earthquake-Proof Buildings "
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Mar, 2018
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"The association between the metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome score and pulmonary function in non-smoking adults"
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research
Mar, 2018
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"Co-Innervation of Triceps Brachii Muscle with Variant Branch of Ulnar Nerve"
Turkish Neurosurgery
Feb, 2018
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"The Effects of Basic Income on Labour Supply"
Korean Social Security Studies
Feb, 2018
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"Association between the number of teeth and hypertension in a study based on 13,561 participants"
Journal of Periodonology
Jan, 2018
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"Designing for Value: Insights from the Emotional Appraisal Approach to Understanding User Value"
The Design Journal
Jan, 2018
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"Oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1: oral findings in a 6-year-old girl"
Journal of Pediatric Genetics
Jan, 2018
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"Systemic air embolism after computed tomography-guided hook wire localization: two case reports and literature review"
Journal of Thoracic Disease
Jan, 2018
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"Financial inclusion and economic growth in OIC countires"
Research in International Business and Finance
Jan, 2018
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"Introduction of a new Indo-Pacific marine cladoceran to the Mediterranean Sea"
Mediterranean Marine Science
Dec, 2017
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" Low risk of avian influenza A (H5N6) transmission to depopulation workers in Korea"
Influenza Other Respi Viruses.
Dec, 2017
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" Low risk of avian influenza A (H5N6) transmission to depopulation workers in Korea."
Influenza Other Respi Viruses.
Dec, 2017
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"Exploring the Transformative Impacts of Service Design: The Role of Designer-client Relationships in the Service Development Process"
Design Studies
Nov, 2017
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"A two-step offset calibration in dynamic comparator using body voltage control"
IEICE Electronics Express
Oct, 2017
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"Training Social Studies Teachers to Develop Inquiry-Based GIS Lessons"
Journal of Geography
Oct, 2017
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"The Number of Teeth Is Inversely Associated With Metabolic Syndrome: A Korean Nationwide Population-Based Study"
Journal of Periodontology
Sep, 2017
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"The Effects of Hippotherapy for Physical, Cognitive and Psychological Factors in Children with Intellectual Disabilities"
J Korean Soc Phys Med
Aug, 2017
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"The Relationship Between the Decreased Rate of Initial Blood Glucose and Neurologic Outcomes in Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia"
Neurocritical Care
Jun, 2017
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"Aloe-Emodin Enhances Tamoxifen Cytotoxicity by Suppressing Ras/ERK and PI3K/mTOR in Breast Cancer Cells"
American Journal of Chinese Medicine
Mar, 2017
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"AMLCD glass mirror constant and crack flaw size in non-crack LCD panels."
Journal of Information Display (J. Inf. Disp.Taylor & Francis)
Mar. 2017
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"Service Design as an Approach to Implement the Value Cocreation Perspective in New Service Development"
Journal of Service Research
Mar, 2017
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"The new Korean action plan for containment of antimicrobial resistance"
Journal of global antimicrobial resistance
Mar, 2017
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"The Effect of a Task-oriented Upper Arm Exercise on Stable and Unstable Surfaces on Dynamic Balance and Hand Function in Patients with Cerebral Palsy. "
The Korea Society of Physical Therapy
Apr, 2017
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"Relationship between the quality of life of the caregiver and motor function of children with cerebral palsy"
Physical therapy rehabilitation science
Mar, 2017
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"Evaluating Representativeness of Qualitative Text Data in Identifying UX Issues."
International Journal of HCI
Feb. 2017
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"Deep Neck flexor exercise to improve physical performance for people with cerebral palsy"
MOJ Orthopedics & Rheumatology
Feb, 2017
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"IL-23 secreted by bronchial epithelial cells contributes to allergic sensitization in asthma model."
American journal of physiology-Lung cellular and Molecular Physiology APS Vol.312
Jan, 2017
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"Leucine Protects Against Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Lipopolysaccharide-Challenged Rats"
Journal of Medicinal Food
Jan, 2017
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"Association between Second-Hand Smoking and Laryngopathy in the General Population of South Korea"
PloS one
Nov, 2016
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"Available parking slot recognition based on slot context analysis"
IET Intelligent Transport System
Nov, 2016
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"An Analysis of Vehicle Fuel Efficiency and Survival Patterns for the Prediction of Total Energy Consumption ..."
Sep, 2016
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"Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Increased Levels of Metabolic Syndrome Components and Beta Cell Function in Obese Korean Adults."
Endocrine Journal (SCI)
Feb. 2017
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"A 65nn cmos 7b 2gs/s 20.7mw flash adc with cascaded latch interpolation"
Journal of solid state circuit
July, 2016
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"Animated Visualization of Meteorological Phenomena Using Google Earth "
ASTL Vol.137
July, 2016
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"Fast generation of high-quality computer-generated hologram using a scalable and flexible PC cluster"
Applied Optics
Accepted, Mar, 2016
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"Survival Impact of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in Masaoka Stage II to IV ..."
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
April, 2016
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"An EffectiveRange Ambiguity Resolution for LEO Satellite with Unknown Phase Deviation"
Feb, 2016
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"The Impact of Conglomerate farming on the Poor: Empirical Evidence from Brazil Soy Sector"
International Area Studies Review
Dec, 2015
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"Development of a Vehicle System Model for the First Medium- and Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Standards in Korea"
SAE 2015 ComVec
Oct, 2015
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"Investigation of the pruritus-induced functional activity in the rat brain using manganese-enhanced MRI."
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sep, 2015
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"Visual Interaction for Spatiotemporal Content using Zoom and Pan with Level-of-Detail"
Accepted, Nov. 2014
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"Marine Alga Ecklonia cava Extract and Dieckol Attenuate Prostaglandin E2 Production in HaCaT Keratinocytes Exposed to Airborne Particulate Matter."
Antioxidants (MDPI)
Jun, 2019
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November, 2020
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"Parametric estimation of structural similarity degradation for video transmission over error-prone networks"
IET Electronics Letter
Published, Aug. 2013
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"Non-negative matrix factorization based adaptive noise sensing over wireless sensor networks"
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Accepted, Mar. 2014
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"Variable step-size affine projection sign algorithm"
IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems
Accepted, Mar. 2014
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"Noise variance estimation based on dual-channel phase difference for speech enhancement"
Digital Signal Processing
Published, Mar. 2014
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"An Interactive Robot facilitating Social Skills for Children"
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
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"Mode shift control for a dual-mode power-split-type hybrid electric vehicle"
Journal of Automobile Engineering
Published, Feb. 2014
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"Optimization of an oil charge amount on electric driven scroll compressor for eco-friendly vehicle"
International Journal of Refrigeration
Accepted, May. 2015
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" Collective heterogeneous sensor mashup for enriched personal healthcare activity logging"
Jan 9-12, 2015
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"Tour Cloud Mobile: Helping tourists acquire the information effectively using three types of views"
Jan 9-12, 2015
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"The number of teeth is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome:A Korean Nationwide Population-Based Study"
Journal of Periodontology
Aug, 2017

Mechanism of the amelioration of ovalbumin gel properties by EGCG: Physicochemical properties, protein structure, and in silico simulation
Food Chemistry
Nov, 2022
Interview Date: 2022-11-15
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
南昌大学食品科学与工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
改过更好,这样容易送审Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
润色非常重要,容易被接收Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Processing technology, principle, and nutritional characteristics of preserved eggs: A review
Trends in Food Science & Technology
Oct, 2022
Interview Date: 2022-08-30
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
南昌大学食品科学与工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
我认为由母语专家修改过更好,因为语言好更容易被编辑送审。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
语言真的是很重要的部分,语言不好容易在编辑手上就被拒稿Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Development and validation of a XXXXX
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
Jul, 2022
Interview Date: 2022-07-29
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
People's Hospital of Wuhan UniversityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
经过修改润色后,文章的可读性大大提高。对于不是以英语为母语的我们,写作的习惯和能力和国外差距很大,如果能有好的语言水平,可以大大提高文章接收的概率。编辑和审稿人看到优美的语言,也会心情愉悦,多说些好话的。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
建议选择Wordvice进行润色修改文章,提高文章的可读性。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Jun, 2022
Interview Date: 2022-07-29
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
Wuhan University People's HospitalQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
Pass the language barrier.Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
Find a polishing agency, wordvice, you can trust.Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
yes,i will.
ADHD Identification and its Interpretation of Functional Connectivity using Deep Self-Attention Factorisation (Accepted)
Knowledge-based Systems
May, 2022
Interview Date: 2022-05-18
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
Wuhan UniversityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
建议让母语专家修改,否则审稿人会提出让语言润色,甚至拒稿Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
在创新足够的情况下,进行母语专家润色Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Artificial Intelligence in Bladder Cancer: Current Trends & Future Possibilities
Chinese Medical Journal
Dec, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-08-15
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
Wenzhou Medical UniversityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的,母语专家的润色证明是投稿该杂志必须条件Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
推荐用这个公司的润色价廉物美很靠谱Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Approach for improving YOLOv5 network with application to remote sensing target detection
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Sep, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-12-30
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
重庆大学-自动化学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
修改过比较好,由于个人英语水平较弱,整体语言错误和逻辑不强,修改过,得到了很大程度的提升。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
如果是英文论文,如果英语水平较差,建议到专门的机构润色下,例如wordvice就很不错。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Severity of Diabetic Macular Edema Correlates with Retinal Vascular Bed Area on Ultra-wide Field Fluorescein Angiography: Dave Study
April, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-04-06
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
Wuhan UniversityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
当然了,母语专家在语言上可以给予巨大提升Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
选择wordvice润色Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Deploying Resilience Enablers to Mitigate Risks in Sustainable Fashion Supply Chains
March, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-08-09
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
福建工程學院交通運輸學院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
如果外國人投稿中國的中文期刊,沒有先給我們中國人先看過修過,那整篇文章一定有點怪.同理.Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
學習,從模仿開始...Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Electrochemical performance and thermal stability of lithium ion batteries after immersion
Corrosion Science
Mar, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-08-23
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
中国科学技术大学火灾实验室Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的,由母语专家修改后的文章更能满足期刊,读者的需求。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
润色一些语言会很好,能更好的让读者接受Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Spatiotemporal Evolution of Multiscale Urbanization Level in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Using the Integration of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS Night Light Datasets
Feb, 2021
Interview Date: 2022-01-29
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
China University of Mining & Technology, BeijingQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
Yes, because the revised article will not be pointed out by reviewers to have language problems, saving the time to revise the manuscript.Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
The logic of the paper should be clear, and the viewpoint is worth considering. Reemphasis on language is also important and will make a good impression on academic editors.Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Yes, professional and good service, timely and reliable handling.
Broadband Microwave Absorption Properties of a Frequency-Selective Surface Embedded in a Patterned Honeycomb Absorber
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Jan, 2021
Interview Date: 2021-01-14
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
我认为非常有必要,虽然我们从小学习英语,写作时可以有效的规避一些语法错误,但是无论怎么写还是以中文的思路去写作,这是缺乏语境所造成的。让母语的专家对文章进行润色,文章的表达更加地道,接受的概率也会上升。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
做科研和写文章是两码事,写文章更注重讲故事的能力,一定要抓住文章的创新点,好好构思文章的框架。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Study on Improving Damping Capacity of Pure Magnesium by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Dec, 2020
Interview Date: 2021-06-23
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
华东交通大学材料科学与工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
我们在提交论文后收到的审稿意见常常提到论文表述等问题,因此提交论文前由母语专家润色后会有利于论文的顺利接收。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
论文写作过程主要将论文的核心观点表述清楚,语法用词等部分交由专业的润色机构进行检查更加省力Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Event Tracking Control for Fuzzy System
Nov, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-12-28
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
chongqing UniversityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
自己写的虽然正确,但不专业Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
注意细节,图片要清晰,语言要有逻辑Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
δ-phase precipitation regularity of cold rolled fine-grained GH4169 alloy plate and its effect on mechanical properties
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Oct, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-12-11
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
河北省秦皇岛市燕山大学Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
比较好,这样会留给主编一个好印象Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
尽量做到每一步都仔细按照期刊要求来Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Effect of Heterocystous Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria against Rice Sheath Blight and the Underlying Mechanism
Applied Soil Ecology
Sep, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-05-18
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
华南农业大学资源环境学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的,修改后编辑和审稿人更难接受Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
尽量先请母语专家润色Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
是的,非常乐意向大家推荐Word vice
Co-existing TiO2 nanoparticles influencing adsorption/desorption of tetracycline on magnetically modified kaolin
Sep, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-10-13
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
西北农林科技大学资源环境学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是,这样可以减小文章因为语言问题而被拒稿的概率。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
前言部分十分重要,认真修改后再进行润色,确保编辑和审稿人可以看懂文章的目的和意义。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Effects of Ge on Microstructure, Spreadability, and Mechanical Properties of the Sn-32Pb-18Cd Solder Alloy
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Jul, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-09-04
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
语言,格式更加正确。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
润色一下,正要语言更加纯正。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Improved two-step constrained total least-squares TDOA localization algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers
Sensors Journal
Jul, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-09-10
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
XIDIAN universityQ. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
可以增强论文的可阅读性,有助于表达出自己要表达的内容,方便读者理解,增加文章录用的概率Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
英语水平不高的同学,可以先自己写好中文,在翻译成英语,然后再来这里 找人修改一下。这题流程比较顺畅Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Experimental Study on the Retention and Interception Effect of an Extensive Green Roof (GR) with a Substrate Layer Modified with Kaolin
Jul, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-11-12
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
南昌大学建筑工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
比较好。因为更容易让国外期刊编辑和专家明白你所想表达的意思。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
论文写作时注重每一个细节,申请发表过程中认真对待每一封邮件每一条审稿意见。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Performance Evaluation of Different Commercial Serological Kits for diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis E Viral Infection
Polish Journal of microbiology
Jun, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-07-23
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
天津市第三中心医院分院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的,这样会给编辑和审稿人一个好印象Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
我的写作和投稿经验还不是很丰富,希望能得到其他老师的宝贵经验Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Evaluation of filamentous heterocystous cyanobacteria for integrated pig-farm biogas slurry treatment and bioenergy production
Bioresource Technology
Feb, 2020
Interview Date: 2020-05-18
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
华南农业大学资源环境学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
当然最好有母语专家帮忙修改最好了Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
建议找行业内母语专家帮忙润色语言Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Anelastic and Microplastic Damping of an Mg–Zn–Y–Al Alloy
Metals and Materials International
Jan, 2020
Interview Date: 2021-06-23
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
华东交通大学材料科学与工程学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
在论文提交过程中,收到审稿人对于论文表述及词句结构需要改进的意见,因此在提交前交由母语专家润色可以更好的使论文顺利接收。Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
论文写作过程关注论文的核心论点及论据,语言问题交由专业机构完成会更加省时省力。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Age is not a barrier to good outcomes following ambulatory high ligation and stripping for varicose veins A prospective cohort study
Nov, 2019
Interview Date: 2021-12-01
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
四川大学华西医院华西临床医学院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的,这样别人更加容易理解Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
建议语言润色,这样利于别人读懂文章Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Hydrophobicity and tribological properties of Al2O3/PTFE composite coating
Rare Metals
Nov, 2018
Interview Date: 2020-02-17
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
北京科技大学 新材料技术研究院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的。更流畅、更清楚、更地道Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
要脚踏实地,不能有马虎。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Hydrophobicity and tribological properties of Al2O3/PTFE composite coating
Rare Metals
Nov, 2018
Interview Date: 2020-02-17
Q. 撰写论文时,您的所属单位
北京科技大学 新材料技术研究院Q. 您是否认为在提交论文之前,先由母语专家修改过比较好? 为什么?
是的。更流畅、更清楚、更地道Q. 如果跟别人分享论文写作和申请发表过程,您会建议他们什么?
要脚踏实地,不能有马虎。Q. 您会向别人推荐Wordvice的服务吗?
Leucine Protects Against Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Lipopolysaccharide-Challenged Rats
Journal of Medicinal Food
Jan, 2017
Interview Date: 2017-01-21